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Vaccines for the College Bound


Illinois patients heading off to public and private colleges and universities this fall must meet several new vaccination requirements. The law went into effect Aug. 5, 2016, after the Illinois Department of Public Health changed the college immunization code (77 Ill. Adm. Code 694). Here’s what some of your college-bound patients need:

  • Three vaccines that contain Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis, one of which must be Tdap vaccine. The last dose of vaccine must be within 10 years. Vaccines must be at appropriate intervals (the first and second doses at least 28 days apart, the third dose no less than six months after dose number two). Tetanus Toxoid (TT, or Tetanus) is not acceptable.
  • Two Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) valid vaccines after the first birthday, at least 28 days apart. If students are unable to provide proof of vaccines, serologic evidence (IGG antibody titers) and a copy of lab report to prove positive immunity is acceptable.
  • One Meningococcal conjugate vaccine after the age of 16 for newly admitted students starting Spring 2017 under the age of 22. Meningitis or Meningococcal vaccinations are not acceptable.


Students who enroll at a post-secondary educational institution without providing proof of immunity may not enroll in subse quent terms without acceptable proof.

Non-Religious Exemptions

Students may be exempted from specific immunization requirements, but only with a written statement from a physician. The physician’s statement must indicate the nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstance that contraindicates those immunizations, identifying the specific vaccines that could be detrimental to the student’s health.

Female students may be granted temporary exemption from immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella under subsection (a) if pregnancy or suspected pregnancy is certified by a physician’s written statement.

If a student is on an approved schedule of receipt for any required vaccine, the student will be granted temporary medical exemption for the duration of the approved schedule.

If a student’s medical condition or circumstances later permit immunization, the exemptions granted under the subsection will terminate and the student must obtain the immunizations from which the student has been exempted.

Students are exempt from the immunization requirements if they are enrolled for:

  • Less than half-time during a term, semester, quarter.
  • Instruction solely involving research, field work, or study outside of a classroom environment.
  • Instruction that uses correspondence as its primary mode of delivery, such as remote learning via a tele-course or mail.

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