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69th Annual Midwest Clinical Conference

May 20 - 21, 2016  
Westin Chicago-River North Hotel

Earn up to 14.5 CME credits

A TWO-DAY educational conference providing 4-5 concurrent course tracks, over 20 sessions and up to 56 different topics including medical-legal strategies, cybercrimes and hands-on workshops highlighting cutting edge technology.

Download a 2016 MCC Brochure


  • KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Kenneth M. Ludmerer, MD
    Distinguished Professor in the History of Medicine at Washington University
  • A Two Day educational conference providing 5 concurrent Tracks, over 20 sessions and up to 56 different topics including clinical sessions planned
  • Physician Leadership Session presented by former White House Advisor Susan Reynolds, MD, PhD from The Institute for Medical Leadership
  • Designated Exhibit Space & Excellent Sponsorship Opportunities
  • Resident and Student Poster Board Competition
  • Poster Board Competition Reception

Westin sleeping room discount 20% off best available rates
Westin reservations phone number: 1-866-716-8104
Note: Need to mention the discount code SET #343362 when calling in.

Questions? Call Rachel at 312.670.2550 x338 or email

Participating Organizations

The Chicago Medical Society is a fully accredited CME provider.

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