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CME Event Spotlight

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OHSA Training Updates: Bloodborne Pathogens and Beyond

  • November 5 at Saint Francis Hospital, 355 Ridge, Evanston, IL.  Registration/breakfast: 9:30-10:00 a.m.; presentation: 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

OSHA requires that all healthcare employers maintain a written Exposure Control Plan.  The plan must include a risk analysis, Hepatitis B vaccinations, follow-up procedures, an evaluation of safer sharps and training.  The 2-hour update includes the following topics: Health Care Worker Safety and Health, Common Hazards from Bloodborne Pathogens Associated with Medical & Dental Offices, Compliance with OSHA Regulations and Q&A.  OSHA requires that your plan be reviewed; that the newest technology be reviewed, and that training is repeated on an annual basis. $99 per person for CMS member or staff person; $139 for non-members or staff. Up to 2.0 CME credits.

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Physicians Legal Issues Webinars

Choose from 18 on-demand CME courses and earn up to 17 CME Credits

These CME webinars are targeted towards all physicians and lawyers who work with healthcare related cases. Whether you are an experienced healthcare lawyer or physician in any practice setting or simply entering the field of healthcare, these courses will provide valuable insight and strategies that can improve your practice.


  • Healing the Healer: Recognizing and Dealing With Impairments that Can Affect a Physician’s Ability to Practice

Identify impairments that can affect a physician’s ability to practice medicine, as well as ways to intervene, and understand their legal implication.

  • Negotiating Managed Care Contracts

This session will guide attendees through the entire managed care negotiating process from preparation to termination. Gain practical insights on some of the most challenging contracting issues facing physicians and their counsel in todays managed care environment.

  • Payer and Provider Initiative under the ACA

The ACA caused a paradigm shift in the working relationships between payers and providers who now see the benefits of working together in a time of hospital consolidation and employment of physicians. This panel presentation will discuss the new “partnerships” being formed between physicians and their payers to address the clinical integration trends and payment challenges in their communities.

  • Telemedicine Compliance- Maximizing Patient Care & ROI While Minimizing Government Risks

Discuss recent uptick in medical board, FDA, FTC, Medicare, and DEA investigations of telemedicine businesses. This session will address best practices for avoiding government investigations while highlighting the reimbursement and funding models that have proven most successful for maximizing ROI and the patient experience.

Cost: $39.00 per course for CMS Members; $79.00 per course for Non-Members
For registration and a complete list of topics.

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