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Board Committees

Budget Committee

Philip B Dray  MD, Chairman
Howard Axe  MD
Sharad K Khandelwal  MD
Robert J Oliver  MD
William N Werner  MD

Building Committee

Michael R Treister  MD, Chairman
Thomas J Chorba  MD
Adrienne L Fregia  MD
Raghu R Vollala  MD

Clinical Conference Committee

William A McDade  MD, Chairman
Vickie L Becker  MD
Kamala A Ghaey  MD
Emery Lin
David A Loiterman  MD
Vemuri S Murthy  MD
Trista M Negele  MD
Nipa R Shah  MD
Kathy Tynus  MD

Investment Committee

Robert W Panton  MD, Chairman
Philip B Dray  MD
Peter E Eupierre  MD
John N Kiriklakis  MD
Michael R Treister  MD


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